Monday, November 21, 2011

DeeDee is 50! (But its a secret!)

So last night Saturday me and my Da organised a surprise party for my Mother's 50th. Her birthday isn't until February, so thats were the surprise part came in!

And if anyone has organised a surprise party, you'll know how stressful it is. Stealing my Mam's phone, copying numbers, calling people out of the blue, hanging up on them when my Mother walked into the room, convincing her to come out at the arranged time, making sure that no one lets the surprise slip. And then theres the cake, the decorations, hiring the band, getting the venue, and the crowd all in the same place by Ten o' clock on a sleepy Saturday night in November!

All the worry, stress and panic was all more than worth it when my Mother walked into the pub and about 100 of her friends and family all ROARED surprise! If anyone has seen The Help yet (highly recommended by the way) it was just like the final Church scene in that film! Mam started clapping along and asked "Why we clapping?".

It was a tremendous night, great food, great people, great band (The wonderful Trevor Handsbury) and just a great night in general!

So Happy Birthday to my amazing mother, and heres to another 50!


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