So if I had to say the one person I hate in the entire world would be Perez Hilton. I just hate him so much, hes just a nasty person. Inside and out!
Anyways I saw this on his site earlier (yes I read his site, he may be a horrible person but his site has all the latest news) how he compared Christina Augilera's new video to Lady Gaga. Its so ridiculous.

His fascination with Lady Gaga is really just going to turn people against her. Last week he called Grace Jones "washed up", and if anything Christina's new video is more Madonna's Human Nature rather than Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga did not invent red knickers, or holding your hand to your face.

As for Christina's video, it really not appealing. I much preferred her 50's CandyMan phase, rather than Dirrty Xtina. That worked 10 years ago, but now that shes married and a mother its really not a good look. And as for the Lady Gaga comparison, the only thing in common I could see was the product placement.

What do you think?
Christina Aguilera // Not Myself Tonight from Musix Play on Vimeo.