Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

The trailer of Red Riding Hood has me pretty intrigued, I do Love a dark twisted fasntasy story, but it is also directed by Catherine Hardwicke, director of the first Twilight film. Which was terrible. So that has me slightly worried, but Amanda Seyfried is pretty talented so hopefully it will be a fresh take on a classic.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Havin' a chit chat over a cuppa tea!

Gregg Michael Gillis, better known by his stage name Girl Talk, has a new album out. not only that it's awesome. And not only that it's free. Legally free.

You can download All Day HERE. FREE!!!


Ah its so good!

I brush mah teeth up and down!

GloZell speaks the truth! We must be related! You can watch more of Glo's videos HERE


Welcome Back...

After a 6 year absence from designing women's wear, Tom Ford debuts his first collection from the Tom Ford Womens wear line in the December issue of American Vogue, Shot by Steven Meisel. As you can imagine, its kinda a moment!

Ford’s most glamorous women friends and acquaintances, spanning Hollywood, music, society, and high fashion, had all dropped everything to fly in and model for him, no questions asked. With 100 guests seated expectantly, Ford stood by a mantelpiece, in black tie, with a mic, and introduced his cast as “many of the world’s most inspirational women,” proceeding to read out what they were wearing. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he declared, in old style–camp diction: “Please welcome . . . Miss Lauren Hutton, Miss Liya Kebede, Miss Rinko Kikuchi, Miss Rachel Feinstein, Miss Lisa Eisner, Miss Beyoncé Knowles, Miss Marisa Berenson, Miss Stella Tennant, Miss Amber Valletta, Miss Natalia Vodianova, Miss Karen Elson, Miss Lakshmi Menon, Miss Karlie Kloss, Miss Abbey Lee Kershaw, Miss . . . Julianne Moore!” By the time “Miss Rita Wilson” wiggled out, turned, and threw a lingeringly saucy, head-back, hands-on-hip pose in a “corseted fil coupe dress with thigh-high lace boots and black seamed stockings,” the atmosphere was “getting a little giddy!” she says, laughing. “I sensed people really enjoyed it.”

I can only imagine how inspirational that show must have been, as Tom Ford personally introduced each of his muses to the runway. Welcome back, Mr. Ford.



Jaime & Holly sittin in a tree!

Jaime Winstone is one girl that always looks great on the red carpet, whether shes going grunge with Alexa Chung, or glamming it up, like at The Variety Club Showbiz Awards. Jamie wore a stunning graphic maxi dress, reissued by Holly Fulton as part of Fashion East's 10 year anniversary.

Lulu Kennedy, the founder of Fashion East chose to celebrate its 10 year anniversary with a re-launch of ten dresses from alumni past collections. This is the organization that gives young designers an opportunity to launch their labels - some big names were discovered along the way, they are credited with helping launch Richard Nicoll, Jonathan Saunders, Marios Schwab to name a few.. and also Holly Fulton


House of Holland

Jonathan Saunders

Marios Schwab

Gareth Pugh

via shoppingthetrend

Little Bit of a Bargin!

Is there anything more annoying than being at a concert and being stuck behind someone with a giant SLR! Or a sea of iPhones waving from side to side, which at the end of the night probably contain shaky out of focus shots.

Anyways hopefully this won't happen Saturday April 16th, when Swedish Pop Folk (Polk???) songstress Lykke Li comes to Dublin's Tripod. And with tickets starting at just €20 are on sale now.



I Don't mean to be rude, but you a fat monkey!

Flip-Flop-Skulptur von Florentijn Hofman: “The Fat Monkey is a site specific work which was created out of the question from the Pixelshow to make a sculpture during their conference in 2010. Made with the help of local students and made from the brazilian icon; the flip flop which obviously works as one of the 10.000 pixels. The fat monkey is a work in the series Obeastitas

Its amazing to think what can be done with a hand full of fill-flops and a bitta imagination. (Obviously there was more than a hand full involved but dont let that discourage you!)



Sunday, November 14, 2010

Seeing Double!

Vogue China always brings something new to their editorials, in my opinion anyways. It is probably because we are some inundated with the skinny pouty white girls on the pages of Vogue UK and USA editions.

Plus Liu Wen (the Model) is bringing it in these shots, like an Asian Coco Rocha, lots of movement, lots of fun!

Shot by Yuangui Mei, Double Illusion will run in the December Issue of Vogue China.


via the wonder duo Tom & Lorenzo


Bye Bye, hello .com! I had no idea it was so simple to purchase your domain name for your blog. should be up and running in 3 days!

The Global expansion has begun.


Time to start playing that Piano now...

Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of Burma's fight against military dictatorship, was freed from house arrest on the 13th of November, just days after a military-backed party won the first election in two decades.

Here are some facts about Ms Suu Kyi, who went from being an housewife in England to a Nobel peace prize laureate detained for 15 of the last 21 years because of her fight for democracy in the former Burma.

- Born in Rangoon (now Yangon) in June 1945, she is daughter of General Aung San, an independence hero assassinated in 1947. Her mother, Khin Kyi, was also a prominent figure.

- She studied politics in New Delhi and philosophy, politics and economics at Britain's Oxford University. In 1972, she married British academic Michael Aris.

- Ms Suu Kyi returned to Yangon in April 1988 to take care of her dying mother at a time of countrywide pro-democracy protests against the army regime. Keen to continue her father's legacy, she entered politics and helped set up the National League for Democracy (NLD) party, becoming its secretary-general and calling for an end to military rule.

- The junta placed the charismatic and popular Ms Suu Kyi under house arrest in July 1989 for "endangering the state". The next year, even without her, the NLD won 392 of 485 parliamentary seats in Burma's first election in almost 30 years. The military refused to relinquish power.

- Ms Suu Kyi, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, has been in prison or under house arrest off and on for 15 years since 1989.

- Her husband died in Britain in 1999. Ms Suu Kyi declined an offer from the junta to go to Britain for his funeral, fearing she would not be allowed back if she left.

- She was initially freed in 1995, but was not allowed to travel outside Yangon to meet supporters. A pro-junta gang attacked a convoy carrying Ms Suu Kyi, top party officials and supporters near Depayin town in 2003. The junta said four people were killed. Rights groups said as many as 70 were killed in the ambush. She was detained again soon after.

- She was found guilty on August 11th, 2009, of breaking a security law by allowing US intruder John Yettaw to stay at her lakeside home for two nights. Critics said the charges were trumped up to stop her from having any influence over the polls.

- She has since made several offers to the junta to lobby the international community to lift a wide range of sanctions on the country, most of which have been in place for more than two decades. Junta strongman Than Shwe never responded and the regime described her move as "insincere" and "dishonest".

- Ms Suu Kyi's said she "would not dream" of taking part in last Sunday's election and her NLD boycotted the vote. As a result, the party was officially dissolved.

- A breakaway NLD faction did contest, but won only a handful of seats.

(taken kindly from The Irish Times)


Damien Rice's Unplayed Piano was written in her honour, and its also my favourite of Damien's songs. So this ones for you Aung San Suu Kyi, kick some Burma militia ass!

Dressing the Part is all you gotta do!

So lately I've been thinking a lot about starting my own studio, and all the hardship that it would entail, but also how exciting it would be. And trying to decide on a name is like naming your child. Harder I imagine, these days all new born girls seem to be called Emma, and the boys Jack. I cant call my studio Jack!

But what I have figured out is that all I need to bring international fame and fortune (and hopefully lots of clients) is a good poster series. Like Olly Moss' Black, White & Red series. Or Moxy Creative's Dress the Part. (Below)

All you need is one really clever idea that will make everyone say them famous words; Damn, I wish I thought of that!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Flowers and Flamingos

I've never been the biggest fan of The Killers (I totally hated them, I was just being polite!) But having said that, frontman Brandon Flower's solo effort, Flamingo, is pretty major.

The stand out track, for me anyways, is a song called Jacksonville, which was only available on the deluxe edition. check it out below.


Looking good Brit (obviously this is not a post about Ms. Spears)

The Brit awards have been given a bit of a make over, and about time too... The new identity focus' on British music and the greats of the past....

(thats the old logo. old indeed)

And here's the new statue. if you were worried that its, um, kinda bland, well don't be, this is just the shape and form of the trophy... Each year a British Artist or Designer will be chosen to put his or her designs on the statue. Great idea, huh?

And the first Designer to have the honour of decorating the statue is punk fashion legend, Vivienne Westwood, but that should have been pretty obvious from her above sketch.

The Brits will be held in February 2011, where the first of these trophies will be handed out...


Sunday, November 7, 2010

City of Love vs The Big Apple

Illustrator Vahram Muratyan presents this “friendly visual match between the two cities, as seen by a Parisian based in New York with all the details, cliches and contradictions"...

Having been to both Paris and New York, my vote leans towards the Big Apple. What about you, what city do you prefer?


What are you meant to be?

Man I can't believe it was Halloween only last week, the week's really are flying by, I'll be in the Christmas panic soon enough...

So of all the costumes I've seen, this guy who went as a Banksy piece is pretty genius! All it took was some clever shading and a wall to stand next too all night...


Papillons Graphiques

So during the Summer I saw a butterfly exhibit by London Enfant Terrible, Damien Hirst. And I hated it. He had used real life butterflies and stuck them on top of acrylic painted canvases. It just seemed like such a waste to me, and definitely not art.

Luckily New Zealand designer Chris Waind has come up with a much more ethical alternative, and much more design forward.

Entitled Papillons Graphiques, the series of 9 butterflies are much nicer than the real deal, they even come with their own set of pins.