Friday, January 29, 2010

Kelis. That rhymes with Release

Its not gonna be on Kelis's new album, Chris Brown has already recorded it as a bonus track for his shit album, but if this is the new direction Kelis is going in im very excited!


Avatar Seaweed

Neato. God I'm easily amused.


Tarantino Flicks

Love these Tarantino film posters, you can buy these prints over at


Words of Wisedom

By some very wise designers.


Winter Olympics!

Studio AKA have come up with a killer promo for the usually dull Winter Olympics. Think Eskimo Bond, meets Frank Miller's Batman. And Michael Buble's Cry me a River soundtrack really sets the mood, I Love it.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reading is fun!

I love the idea behind this, but when ever I read a book after seeing the film I can never help but imagine the actor in your head. I read Brett Easton Ellis's Rules of Attraction after seeing the film all I could think of was just Dawson doing bad things.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Really? Him! With Her? Really?

Supermodel Lara Stone is engaged to Little Britain's David Walliams. I know. I thought the same thing. Ah well, as long as they're happy


Brillian Booksmarks

What a great idea! How clever are these bookmarks? About once a day I say aw I wish I thought of that!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Helpin' Haiti

Plastered these posters I made all over college today, hopefully half an hours work can get a few people to donate to Haiti.


Fun With Type

So type is something that can be really great, or really frustrating. Usually with me I get really frustrated with it, think from now on im going to take a more fun approatch to it. Sagmeister style! Just not as extreme!