Its not gonna be on Kelis's new album, Chris Brown has already recorded it as a bonus track for his shit album, but if this is the new direction Kelis is going in im very excited!
Studio AKA have come up with a killer promo for the usually dull Winter Olympics. Think Eskimo Bond, meets Frank Miller's Batman. And Michael Buble's Cry me a River soundtrack really sets the mood, I Love it.
I love the idea behind this, but when ever I read a book after seeing the film I can never help but imagine the actor in your head. I read Brett Easton Ellis's Rules of Attraction after seeing the film all I could think of was just Dawson doing bad things.
So type is something that can be really great, or really frustrating. Usually with me I get really frustrated with it, think from now on im going to take a more fun approatch to it. Sagmeister style! Just not as extreme!