Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Trip to IKEA

So my lovely housemate, Ciara Killalea, is getting ready for her end of year exhibitions and needed some frames for all her photographs, so where else would we go than good old Ikea... So this morning Ciara had me up (at the crack of dawn) and we headed off Ikea.

And it was here that I found out that...
IKEA has everything. Literally everything.

Even hotdogs...
and the crime scene of a child genocide...
and giant coffee mugs...
and killer bed bugs...
and typie posters...
and really cheap breakfast...
and even an airport cafe...
and people with witty t-shirts...
giant bargain banners...

and good manners...
and a box of scissors...
and new kids, uh, I mean wine glasses...
and fake flowers worse than you'd fine in the Euro2 store...
and shit loads of tables to be built...
and comfy couches in need of a quilt...

and thats where then fun ended.
bringing the frames home was hell.


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